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Mechanical Engineer Liberia - Short term

Develop a long-term sustainable strategy to support and maintain machines and equipment for a minimum of 6 months

Read more about the project:

ELWA Compound Liberia

Position Title: 

Mechanical Engineer


You will be in charge of the development of a long-term sustainable strategy to support and maintain machines and equipment that are currently operated, and to provide for adding to their equipment/vehicle list so the Services division of ELWA can effectively support the staff and ministries as they grow and expand their impact in West Africa.

This will require a holistic approach with consideration given to the harsh environment, ministry needs, and cultural dynamics. There will be focus on training Liberian staff for these service roles with one goal being to develop their technical, spiritual, and business skills so some of them could transition into a for-profit, Christian business in the country.

You will also have the joy and opportunity to work in a multicultural made up of envoys of many nationalities and Liberian personnel during a minimum of 6 months.


  • Commitment to the Purpose of SIM and the SIM Commitment
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Professional registration is desired
  • Speaking English

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Are you interested? Then get in touch with us:

SIM Switzerland, Brigitte Pini:

What is the project ?

ELWA Compound Liberia

ELWA in Liberia, das aus einem Spital, Schulen und Wohnhäusern besteht, muss aufgrund von Feuchtigkeit und Termiten dringend renoviert werden. ELWA bittet um Spenden, um diese Arbeiten finanzieren zu können.

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